Hope 4 Chilubula, Zambia

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Grass-roots fundraising makes huge difference in Chilubula, Zambia

My name is Hannah, a friend of Charlie and Jo's, and I've just got back from 2 weeks of Zambian sunshine and Chilubula hospitality. Kaponda Farm (left), the site of the orphanage is on the outskirts of the village and provided a welcoming place for me to stay. Owned by Charlie's sister and brother in law Ullys and Leonard, the farm hosted a makeshift nursery and Sports Day for the time Charlie and I were there.

I taught 29 of the young (3-9yr old) orphans each morning and saw them blossom in just six days. We fed them breakfast and lunch and had great fun playing Musical Statues and singing "Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes!"

We also put on a Sports Day for all 60 of the orphans registered (aged from 3-16 yrs). We had most of the village turning up to join in the fun which ranged from "Bottle balancing" and "Who can spit the furthest" challenges (no, really!!) to the more sedate "Separating Peas from Beans" competition!

Throughout my stay the builders worked every day on the orphange and now have all the materials they need to get the building up to roof level.

I managed to take £700 in donations out with me. I have never seen money stretch so far nor have I seen it put to such good use:

  • £350 on building materials (mostly cement and timber)
  • £100 on feeding the orphans breakfast and lunch for two weeks
  • £100 on giving the orphans a Sports Day to remember!
  • £150 has been left for the orphans food to cover the next five weeks.
We've also already raised a further £400 which will go towards building the orphanage roof and with another £1000 the first phase of the project will be complete. So if you haven't yet pledged any cash then please do get in touch as every penny still counts. A huge thanks to everyone in the UK who donated, which included friends of mine and Gareth's, Battersea Ironsides RFC, and colleagues from Brands2Life and Diageo. Your generosity has made a huge difference to these beautiful children and will continue to do so over the coming years.

Finally, a special thank you to the Chilubula committee who welcomed me with open arms and Charlie's family who made my stay a truly memorable experience.