Hope 4 Chilubula, Zambia

Monday, November 03, 2008

Update from Chilubula

Apologies that there are no pictures with this blog, as it is just a short one to keep you informed on progress.

Reports from our manager, Leonard, in Chilubula are full of positivity; the children in the school continue to make excellent progress and enjoy their food, the staff are so happy to be paid and hence to be able to support their families. More interest has been shown in the Centre by local and national government officials, who view it as a model set up! Communication has been quite difficult for the past few months due to the mobile phone network being very unreliable, so we have been relying on old fashioned snail mail, which can be very slow!

In December two of our trustees will be travelling from the UK to spend about a week in Chilubula to check on progress and discuss future plans with the committee out there. Lots of new photos on their return to share with you!

A date for your diaries- Friday 6th March 2009 is the date of our next fund raising Ball. More details to follow shortly.


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